(1) Whereas those who impute mendacity to our Prophet are Shiites and Christians. The deviating beliefs, words and dirty works of Shiites which do not conform with those of our prophet and the Qur'an al- karim are written and refuted each in the books of Ahl as-sunnat such us As-Sawaiq ul-muhrika, Tuhfa-i ithna ashariyya, Te'yeed-i Ahl as-sunnat, Nahiye, Ashab-i kiram, Hujaj-i kat'iyye, and Milal wa Nihal. The writer of Sawaiq Ahmad ibni Hajar Makki died in Mecca in 974 [1566 A.D.]; Tuhfa's writer Abdul 'Aziz died in Delhi in 1239 [1824 A.D.]; Te'yeed's writer Imam-i Rabbani Ahmad Faruqi died in Serhend in 1034 [1624 A.D.], Nahiye's writer Abdul 'Aziz Farharavi died in 1239 [1824 A.D.]; Ashab-i kiram's writer Abdulhakim Arwasi died in Ankara in 1362 [1943 A.D.]; Hujaj's writer Abdullah Suwaydi died in Baghdad in 1174 [1760 A.D.]; Milal's writer Muhammad Shihristani died in Baghdad in 548 [1154 A.D.].
(2) When Abu Ubaida bin Jarrah, who was appointed for Khalid bin Walid's place, continued the conquests, it was realized that the reason for the conquests was the help of Allahu ta'ala, not Khalid himself.
(3) In Shiism it is essential to talk and to have a certain belief on matters concerning the caliphate. According to Sunni belief these are not necessary. The young Englishman confuses religious information with information pertaining to worldly matters. In worldly knowledge, Muslims have, like he advises, always thought of novelty and improvement, and have always made progress in science, technique, mathematics, architecture, and medicine. When the famous Italian astronomer Galileo said that the earth was rotating no doubt he had learnt the fact from Muslims not only was he anathemized by priests, but he was also imprisoned. It was only when he made penance, renouncing his former statement and saying that "No, it is not rotating," that he saved himself from the priests' hands. Muslims follow Qur'an al-karim and hadith ash-Sharifs in knowledge pertaining to Islam and iman. Unlike Christians, they do not interpolate this knowledge, which is beyond mind's periphery of activity.
(4) Nur sura, ayat: 32
(5) This statement of his denies the hadith ash-Sharif which commands us to follow the Sahaba.
(6) Today in all the Islamic countries ignorant and traitorous people disguised as religious people have been attacking the scholars of Ahl as-sunnat. They have been commending Wahhabism in return for large sums of money they receive from Saudi Arabia. All of them use the above mentioned statements of Muhammad of Najd as a weapon on every occasion. The fact is that none of the statements made by the scholars of Ahl as-sunnat or the four imams is contrary to Qur'an al-karim and hadith ash-Sharifs. They did not make any additions to these sources, but they explained them. Wahhabis, like their British prototypes, are fabricating lies and misleading Muslims.
(7) A Muslim who has seen the beautiful, blessed face of Muhammad 'alaihis-salam' is called Sahabi. Plural for Sahabi is Sahaba, or Ashab.
(8) Some ignorant people without a certain Madhhab today, say so, too.
(9) This allegation of this person shows that he was quite unaware of the knowledge of Hadith.
(10) Hempher's confessions were translated into Turkish and, together with the author's explanations, formed a book. This version is the English translation of that Turkish book.
(11) Tawba sura, ayat: 73
(12) Tawba sura, ayat: 73
(13) Nikah means a marriage contract as prescribed by Islam. Mut'a nikah means a contract made between a man and a woman to cohabit for a certain period of time. Islam prohibits this type of marriage.
(14) Nisa sura, ayat: 24
(15) Mut'a nikah is similar to today's practice of having a mistress. It is permissible according to the Shiites. 'Umar 'radi-allahu anh' did not say so. Like all other Christians, the English spy bears hostility towards hadrat 'Umar and inveighs against him on this occasion, too. It is written in the book Hujaj-i-Qatiyya: "'Umar 'radi-allahu anh' said that Rasulullah had forbidden mut'a nikah and that he was not going to permit a practice forbidden by the Messenger of Allah. All the Ashab al-kiram supported this statement of the Khalifa's. Among them was hadrat 'Ali, too." (Please see the book Documents of the Right Word.)
(16) Maida sura, ayat: 91
(17) Maida sura, ayat: 91
(18) However, our Prophet stated, "If something would intoxicate in case it were taken in a large amount, it is haram to take even a small amount of it which would not intoxicate."
(19) Baqara sura, ayat: 184
(20) All the Islamic books agree that (Yaqin) in this context means (death). Hence this ayat al-karima purports, "Worship till death."
(21) Hijr Sura, ayat: 99
(22) Taha sura, ayat: 14
(23) Our Prophet stated, "The namaz is Islam's pillar. He who performs the namaz has constructed his faith. He who does not (perform the namaz) has ruined his faith." and (in another hadith), "Perform the namaz as I do." It is a grave sin not to perform the namaz in this manner. What signifies the heart's purity is to perform the namaz correctly.
(24) The book Al-fajr-us-sadiq, written by Jamil Sidqi Zahawi Effendi of Baghdad, who was a mudarris (professor) of Aqaid-i-Islamiyya (Islamic creed) in the Dar-ul-funun (university) of Istanbul and passed away in 1354 [C.E. 1936], was printed in Egypt in 1323 [C.E. 1905] and reproduced by offset process by Hakikat Kitabevi in Istanbul. It is stated in the book, "The heretical ideas of the Wahhabi sect were produced by Muhammad bin Abd-ul-Wahhab in Najd in 1143 [C.E. 1730]. He was born in 1111 [C.E. 1699], and died in 1207 [C.E. 1792]. The sect was spread at the cost of a considerable amount of Muslim blood by Muhammad bin Su'ud, the Amir of Der'iyya. Wahhabis called Muslims who would not agree with them polytheists. They said that all of them (non-Wahhabis) must perform the hajj again (even if they had performed it), and asserted that all their ancestors as well had been disbelievers for six hundred years. They killed anyone who would not accept the Wahhabi sect, and carried off their possessions as booties. They imputed ugly motives to Muhammad 'alaihis-salam'. They burned books of Fiqh, Tafsir, and Hadith. They misinterpreted Qur'an al-karim in accordance with their own ideas. In order to deceive Muslims, they said they were in the Hanbali Madhhab. However, most Hanbali scholars wrote books refuting them and explaining that they were heretics. They are disbelievers because they call harams 'halal' and because they belittle Prophets and the Awliya. The Wahhabi religion is based on ten essentials: Allah is a material being. He has hands, a face, and directions. [This belief of theirs is similar to the Christian creed (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost)]; 2- They interpret Qur'an al-karim according to their own understanding; 3- They reject the facts reported by the Ashab al-kiram; 4- They reject the facts reported by scholars; 5- They say a person who imitates one of the four Madhhabs is a disbeliever; 6- They say non-Wahhabis are disbelievers; 7- They say a person who prays by making the Prophet and the Awliya intermediaries (between himself and Allahu ta'ala), will become a disbeliever; 8- They say it is haram to visit the Prophet's grave or those of the Awliya; 9- He who swears on any being other than Allah will become a polytheist, they say; 10- A person who makes a solemn pledge to anyone except Allah or who kills an animal (as a sacrifice) by the graves of Awliya, will become a polytheist, they say. In this book of mine it will be proved by documentary evidences that all these ten creedal tenets are wrong." These ten fundamentals of the Wahhabi religion are noticeably identical with the religious principles Hempher prompted to Muhammad of Najd.
The British published Hempher's confessions as a means for Christian propaganda. In order to mislead Muslims' children they wrote lies and fabrications in the name of Islamic teachings. Therefore, with a view to protect our youth from this British trap, we publish this book, which is a correction of their lies and slanders.
(25) Muhammad sura, ayat: 7. To help the religion of Allahu ta'ala means to adapt oneself to the Shariat and to try to promulgate it. To revolt against the Shah or the State would mean to destroy the religion.
(26) Descendants of hadrat Husain 'radi-allahu anh'.
(27) Descendants of hadrat Hasan 'radi-allahu anh'.
(28) Teaching, preaching, and commending the Islamic commandments.
(29) Admonishing, warning against the Islamic prohibitions.
(30) Nisa sura, ayat: 59
(31) This assertion is entirely wrong. It contradicts his former statement that "it is fard to obey the Padishah."
(32) This is sheer calumniation. The written will of Uthman ('Uthman) Ghazi, (the first Ottoman Padishah), is a detailed example of the value and honor the Ottoman administration set on the scholars. All the Padishahs granted the highest positions to the scholars. When the jealous adversaries of Mawlana Khalid Baghdadi slanderously denounced him to Mahmud Khan II and demanded that he be executed, the Sultan gave this widely known answer: "Scholars would by no means be harmful to the State." The Ottoman Sultans granted a house, provisions, and a high salary to every scholar.
(33) The books on religion, ethics, iman, and science written by thousands of Ottoman scholars are known universally. Peasants, who are supposed to be the most illiterate sort of people, were very well informed of their faith, worships, and craft. There were mosques, schools, and madrasas in all villages. Villagers were taught how to read and write, religious and worldly knowledge in these places. Women in villages knew how to read Qur'an al-karim. Most scholars and Awliya were brought up and educated in villages.
(34) The Ottoman Muslims were very firm spiritually. The people would run for Jihad in order to attain martyrdom. After each of the (five) daily prayers of namaz, as well as during every Friday Khutba, the religious men would pronounce benedictions over the Khalifa and the State, and the whole congregation would say "Amin". Christian villagers, on the other hand, are mostly illiterate, totally unaware of their faith and worldly knowledge, and therefore take the priests' sermons for granted and adhere to the lies and superstitions they have fabricated in the name of religion. They are like senseless flocks of animals.
(35) Unlike Christianity, Islam does not separate the religion from the world. It is a worship to busy oneself with worldly matters. Our Prophet stated, "Work for the world as though you would never die, and (work) for the Hereafter as if you were going to die tomorrow."
(36) The emperors brought pressure to bear on the people for the execution of the principles of the Shariat. They did not perpetrate oppression like the European kings.
(37) The roads were so safe that a Muslim who set out from Bosnia would travel as far as Mecca comfortably and free of charge, staying, eating and drinking in the villages on the way, and the villagers would most of the time give him presents.
(38) There were hospitals and asylums everywhere. Even Napoleon was cured by the Ottomans. All Muslims adapt themselves to the hadith ash-Sharif, "He who has iman will be clean."
(39) These slanders are not even worth answering. Firuz Shah, the Sultan of Delhi, passed away in 790 [C.E. 1388]. The orchards and gardens irrigated by the wide 240 km canal constructed with his command relapsed into a wasteland during the British invasion. The remains of the Ottoman architecture are still dazzling the eyes of tourists.
(40) They must be confusing the Ottomans with those French generals who were awarded for pouring their kings' excrement into Seine.
(41) At a time when the British were totally oblivious to arts, weaponry, and women's rights, the Ottomans formulated these concepts in the most exquisite way. Would they have the face to deny the fact that the Swedish and the French kings asked for help from the Ottomans?
(42) The streets were extremely clean. In fact, there were health services allotted to cleaning the spittles in the streets.
(43) Al-i-Imran sura, ayat: 103
(44) Al-i-Imran sura, ayat: 137
(45) Baqara sura, ayat: 201
(46) Shura sura, ayat: 38
(47) Mulk: 15
(48) Baqara sura, ayat: 29
(49) Hijr: 19
(50) Anfal sura, ayat: 60
(51) Baqara sura, ayat: 228
(52) Zuhd, which is commended by books of Tasawwuf, does not mean to cease from worldly labor. It means not to be fond of the world. In other words, working for the world, earning worldly needs, and using them compatibly with the Shariat will provide as much thawab as worships will.
(53) There are indications in hadith ash-Sharifs that Abu Bakr, 'Umar, 'Uthman, and 'Ali 'radi-allahu anhum' would become Khalifas. Yet there is not a clear statement concerning their times. Rasulullah 'sall- allahu alaihi wa sallam' left this matter to his Sahaba's choice. The Sahaba had three different kinds of ijtihad in electing the Khalifa. Caliphate was not a property to be inherited by one's relatives. Abu Bakr, who had been the first person to become a Muslim, who had caused others to become believers, behind whom our Prophet had performed namaz by telling him to be the imam and conduct the namaz, and with whom the Prophet had migrated (to Medina), was the most suitable candidate. Some (of the Sahaba) went to hadrat 'Ali's place. One of them, namely, Abu Sufyan, said, "Hold out your hand! I shall pay homage to you! If you like, I shall fill all the place with cavalrymen and infantrymen." Hadrat 'Ali refused this, answering, "Are you trying to break the Muslims into groups? My staying home is not intended for being elected Khalifa. Bereavement from Rasulullah has shocked me. I feel demented." He went to the mosque. He paid homage to Abu Bakr in the presence of all the others. Upon this Abu Bakr said, "I don't want to be Khalifa. I accept it willy-nilly to prevent confusion." 'Ali replied, "You are more worthy of being Khalifa." The statements of praise hadrat 'Ali made of Abu Bakr that day are quoted in our (Turkish) book Se'adet-i Ebediyye. Hadrat 'Umar accompanied hadrat 'Ali to his house. Hadrat 'Ali would say, "After Rasulullah, Abu Bakr and 'Umar are the highest of this Ummat (Muslims)." People who believed the Shiite lies and slanders are responsible for the wretched state Muslims are in today. The British are still pushing on this instigation.
(54) Hadrat Muawiya became Khalifa upon hadrat Hasan's paying homage to him. Please read the book Documents of the Right Word.
(55) Shura sura, ayats: 79-80-81
(56) British agents distort the meanings of ayat-i- karimas and hadith ash-Sharifs in order to mislead Muslims. It is sunnat (something done, advised, recommended, liked by the Prophet) to have medical treatment. Allahu ta'ala has created a curing effect in medicine. Our Prophet commanded to take medicine. Allahu ta'ala, the creator of everything, is the healer. Yet He has created a law of causation and commands us to obey this law by holding on to the causes. We must work hard, discover the causes, and use them. To say, "He cures me," means to say, "He gives me the means that will cause healing." It is a commandment (of Islam) to do research to find out the causes. Our Prophet stated, "It is fard both for men and for women to study and acquire knowledge." At another time he stated, "Allahu ta'ala likes those who work and earn."
(57) Worship does not only consist of namaz, fast and hajj. It is also worship to do worldly business because Allahu ta'ala commands it but in a manner compatible with the Shariat. It is very thawab (deserving reward in the Hereafter) to work for useful things.
(58) See the savagery, the cruelty perpetrated by the British, who call themselves civilized and repeat the phrase 'human rights' so often!
(59) Al-i-Imran sura, ayat: 130
(60) Nisa sura, ayat: 34
(61) It is stated in a hadith ash-Sharif, "A woman (wife) who obeys the Shariat is one of the blessings of Paradise. A woman who follows her sensations and disobeys the Shariat is evil." A poor single woman's father has to subsist her, be her unmarried or widowed. If he does not, he is to be imprisoned. If she does not have a father, or if her father is (too) poor (to subsist her), her mahram relatives will (have to) care for her. In case she does not have such relatives, either, the government will have to allot a salary for her. A Muslim woman will never have to work for a living. The Islamic religion has burdened man with all the needs of his woman. In return for this heavy burden, man might as well have been made the only inheritor of his progenitors; yet, as another kindness toward womankind, Allahu ta'ala has commanded that they should be given half the property inherited by their brothers. A husband cannot force his wife to work within or without the house. If a woman wants to work, she can do so with her husband's permission, with the proviso that she should be covered and there should not be men at the place where she works; and in this case her earnings will belong to her. No one can force a woman to relinquish earnings of this sort or property she has inherited or the mahr (she has deserved through marriage agreement). Nor can she be forced to spend it for her or her children's needs or for anything needed in the house. It is fard for the husband to provide all such needs. In today's communist regimes, women as well as men are made to work in the heaviest jobs for food only, like animals. In Christian countries, said to be free world countries, and in some Arabic countries said to be Muslim countries, women work like men in factories, in fields, in trade businesses under the sophistry that "life is common." As it frequently appears in daily newspapers, most of them regret having married, so that law courts teem with files of divorce suits. Utterances spoken by the blessed mouth of the Messenger of Allah are of three kinds: The first kind comprises utterances which come from Allahu ta'ala both in tenor and in vehicle. These utterances are called ayat al-karima, which make up the Qur'an al-karim collectively. The utterance, "Every good and useful thing coming to you is willed and sent by Allahu ta'ala. Every evil and harmful thing is wished by your nafs. All these things are created and sent by Allahu ta'ala," is the seventy-eighth ayat of Nisa sura. The second kind includes utterances whose words belong to our Prophet while their meanings are inspired by Allahu ta'ala. These utterances are called hadith-i-qudsi. The utterance, "Be inimical towards your nafs. For it is My enemy," is a hadith-i-qudsi. In the third kind are those utterances belonging to our Prophet both in wording and in meaning. They are called hadith ash-Sharif. The utterance, "A woman who obeys the Shariat is one of the blessings of Paradise. A woman who follows her nafs is evil," is a hadith ash-Sharif. Hadrat Muhyiddin-i-Arabi explains this hadith ash-Sharif in the first volume of his book Musamarat. The British spy withholds the first half of the hadith and reveals only the latter half. If women all over the world knew about the value, the comfort and peace, the freedom and the right to divorce Islam has conferred on them, they would immediately become Muslims and endeavor to disseminate Islam all over the world. It is a shame that they cannot realize these facts. May Allahu ta'ala bless all humanity with the fortune of learning Islam's luminous way correctly!
(62) Maida sura, ayat: 5
(63) Hadrat Safiyya, whom the British call a Jew, had already become a Muslim (when she married our Prophet). As for Mariya, an Egyptian, she was not one of the blessed wives of the Messenger of Allah. She was a jariya. She, too, was a Muslim. (When she passed away), 'Umar 'radi-allahu anh', who was the Khalifa at that time, conducted the ritual prayer (performed when a Muslim dies). According to the belief of Ahl as-sunnat, a Christian woman can be a jariya as well as a wife (for a Muslim man). Contrary to the Shiite credo (in this respect), disbelievers are not foul themselves. What is foul in them is the belief they hold.
(64) Belief in the information a Prophet has brought from Allahu ta'ala is called Iman. The information to be believed is of two sorts: (1) Information to be believed only; (2) Information both to be believed and to be practiced. The first sort of information, which is the basis of iman, comprises six tenets. All Prophets taught the same basic principles of iman. Today, all the Jews, Christians, scientists, statesmen, commanders all over the world, and all these so-called modernists believe in the Hereafter, that is, in resurrection after death. Those who call themselves modern people have to believe, like these people. On the other hand, Prophets' Shariats, i.e. the commandments and prohibitions in their religions, are not the same. Having iman and adapting oneself to the Shariat is called Islam. Since each Prophet has a different Shariat, the Islam of each Prophet is different from that of another. Each Messenger of Allah brought a new Islam, abrogating the Islam of the Prophet prior to him. The Islam brought by the last Prophet Muhammad 'alaihis-salam' shall remain valid till the end of the world. In the 19th and 85 th ayats of surat Ali Imran, Allahu ta'ala commands Jews and Christians to give up their former Islams. He declares that those who do not adapt themselves to Muhammad 'alaihis-salam' shall not enter Paradise and that they shall suffer eternal burning in Hell. Each of the aforenamed Prophets, i.e. Ibrahim, Ismail, and Yusuf, supplicated for the Islam that was valid in his time. Those Islams, going to church, for instance, are not valid today.
(65) Baqara sura, ayat: 128
(66) Baqara sura, ayat: 132
(67) Hajj sura, ayat: 40
(68) See the footnote 2 on page 56.
(69) Worships are performed because Allahu ta'ala has commanded them. Yes, Allahu ta'ala does not need His born servants' worships. Yet the born servants themselves need worshipping. These people (Christians) go to church in crowds. On the other hand they prevent Muslims from going to mosques.
(70) Before the revelation of the ayat of Hijab (veiling), women would not cover themselves; they would come to the Messenger of Allah, ask him questions, and learn from him what they did not know. Whenever the Messenger of Allah visited one of them in her home, other women would go there, too, sitting, listening, and learning. Six years after the Hijrat Nur sura was revealed to prohibit women from sitting or talking with men (other than spouse or other close relatives). From them on, the Messenger of Allah commanded women to learn what they did not know by asking his blessed wives. These disbelievers are misleading Muslims by withholding the fact that women covered themselves after the revelation of the ayat of Hijab.
Umm-i Salama 'radi-allahu anha', blessed wife of Rasulullah, narrates: Maymuna 'radi-allahu anha', another wife of Rasulullah 'sall-allahu alaihi wa sallam' and I were with the Messenger of Allah 'sall-allahu alaihi wa sallam', when Ibn-i-Umm-i-Maktum 'radi-allahu anh' asked for permission and entered. When the Messenger of Allah 'sall-allahu alaihi wa sallam' saw him he said to us, "Withdraw behind the curtain!" When I said, "Isn't he blind? He won't see us," the Messenger of Allah answered, "Are you blind, too? Don't you see him?" That is, he meant, "He may be blind, but you aren't." This hadith ash-Sharif was quoted by Imam-i-Ahmad and Tirmuzi and Abu Dawud 'rahimahum-ullahi ta'ala.' According to this hadith ash-Sharif, as it is haram for a man to look at a woman who is not his spouse or a close relative, so is it haram for a woman to look at a man who is not her spouse or a close relative. Our Madhhab imams took other hadith ash-Sharifs into consideration as well, and said that "It is haram for a woman to look at a na-mahram man's awrat parts. It is easy to do this. These easy commandments and prohibitions are called (Rukhsat). It is Azimat for a woman not to look at a na-mahram man's head and hair. A man's awrat part for a woman (the part which is forbidden for a woman to look at) is between his knee and navel. And (obeying) this (rule only, without paying attention to the Azimat), is (called) Rukhsat. As is seen, the Azwaj-i-tahirat (the pure wives of the Messenger of Allah) 'radi-allahu ta'ala anhunna' and the Ashab al-kiram 'radi-allahu anhum' would always act on the Azimat and they would refrain from the Rukhsat. The Zindiqs who try to destroy Islam from within put forward the fact that women did not cover themselves before the revelation of the ayat of Hijab and say that "Women did not cover themselves in the Prophet's time. Women's veiling themselves like ogres, a practice which is so common today, did not exist at that time. Hadrat Aisha, for one, would go out bare headed. Today's practice of veiling was invented by the bigoted men of fiqh afterwards." The hadith ash-Sharifs quoted above show clearly that these statements of theirs are lies and slanders. The four right Madhhabs, which are the explanations of the commandments and prohibitions of Allahu ta'ala, give different accounts pertaining to men's awrat parts, that is, parts of their body which are forbidden (for others) to look at or (for them) to show to others. It is fard for every man to cover those parts of his body which the Madhhab he is in prescribes to be haram. It is haram to look at someone else's parts of awrat. The following hadith ash-Sharifs are written in the book Ashi'at-ul-Lama'at:
"Let men and women not look at the awrat parts of people of their own sex." In the Hanafi Madhhab, a man's parts of awrat for other men are the same as those of a woman for other women: the area between the knees and the navel. A woman's parts of awrat for men na-mahram to her, on the other hand, are all her body with the exception of the hands and face. (Any member of the opposite sex who is not one of a person's close relatives called mahram is called na-mahram. Islam names one's mahram relatives. They are eighteen). A woman's hair is within her parts of awrat. It is haram to look at someone's parts of awrat even without any feeling of lust.
"If you see a woman, turn your face away from her! Although it is not sinful to see one unexpectedly, it is sinful to look at her again."
"O 'Ali! Do not open your thigh! Do not look at someone else's thigh, be it a corpse or a person who is alive."
"May Allah curse those who open their parts and those who look at them!"
"A person who makes himself like a community will become one of them." This hadith ash-Sharif shows that a person who adapts himself to enemies of Islam in ethics, behavior or styles of dressing will become one of them. Those who adapt themselves to disbelievers' wicked fashions, who name harams 'fine arts', and who call people who commit harams 'artists', should take this hadith ash-Sharif as a warning. It is written as follows in Kimya-yi-saadat: "It is haram for women and girls to go out without covering their heads, hair, arms and legs or in thin, ornamented, tight, perfumed dresses. If a woman's parents, husband or brothers condone her going out in this manner, they will share her sin and the torment (she will suffer for this sin in the Hereafter)." If they make tawba they will be pardoned. Allahu ta'ala likes those who make tawba.
(71) Sayyid Abd-ul-Hakim Arwasi 'rahmat-ullahi alaih', a great scholar, states in the book (Ashab al-kiram), which he wrote in Istanbul: "Hadrat Fatima, the blessed daughter of the Messenger of Allah, and all her offspring till the end of the world are members of the Ahl al-bayt. It is necessary to love them even if they are disobedient Muslims. Loving them, helping them with one's hearts, body, and/or property, respecting them and observing their rights will cause one to die as a believer. There was a law court allotted for Sayyids in Hama, a city in Syria. In the time of the Abbasid Khalifas in Egypt, the descendants of Hasan 'radi- allahu anh' were named Sharif and it was decided that they were to wear white turbans, and Husain's 'radi-allahu anh' sons were named Sayyid, who were to wear green turbans. Children born from these two families were registered in the presence of a judge and two witnesses. During the reign of Sultan Abd-ul-majid Khan 'rahmat-ullahi alaih' Rashid Pasha, the masonic vizier, cancelled these law courts under the directions of his British bosses. People without any known genealogical origin or religious Madhhab began to be called Sayyid. Bogus Iranian Sayyids spread far and wide. It is stated in Fatawa-i-hadithiyya, In the early days of Islam anyone who was a descendant of the Ahl al-bayt was called Sharif, e.g. Sharif-i-Abbasi, Sharif-i-Zaynali. Fatimi Rulers were Shiite. They called only the descendants of Hasan and Husain Sharif. Ashraf Shaban bin Husain, one of the Turcoman Rulers in Egypt, commanded that Sayyids should wear green turbans so that they be distinguished from Sharifs. These traditions spread widely, though they do not have any value from the Islamic point of view.' There is detailed information in this subject in Mirat-i-kainat and in the Turkish version of Mawahib-i-ladunniyya and in the third chapter of the seventh section of the commentary called Zarqani."
(72) These British contrivances came to naught. For Allahu ta'ala has been protecting Qur'an al-karim from interpolation. He did not promise also that He would protect the Injil (the heavenly Book revealed to hadrat Isa). It is for this reason that false books in the name of Bible were written. Even these books were changed in the course of time. The first interpolation in them was made by a Jewish convert named Paul. The greatest of the changes that were made in every century was the one constituted by the three hundred and nineteen priests who convened in Nicea in 325 upon the order of Constantine, the first Roman emperor in Istanbul. In 931 [C.E. 1524], Martin Luther, a German priest, established the Protestant sect. Christians who followed the Pope in Rome were called Catholics. The massacres of Saint Bartholomew and Scotland, the catastrophic mass killings after the tribunals called Inquisition are recorded in Christian history as well. In 446 [C.E. 1054], Michael Kirolarius, Patriarch of Istanbul, dissented from the Pope and established the Orthodox Church. The Syrian Monophysite sect was founded by Jacobus (Baradaeus), d. 571 C.E.; the Syrian Maronite sect by Maro, d. 405; and the Jehovah's Witnesses by Charles Russell in 1872.
(73) The British applied the twenty-one article destruction plan, which they had prepared in order to annihilate Islam, to the two great Islamic Empires, Indian and Ottoman. They established heretical Islamic groups, such as Wahhabi, Qadiyani, Tabligh-i-jamaat, and Jamaat-i-Islamiyya, in India. Then the British army easily invaded India and destroyed the whole Islamic State. They imprisoned the Sultan and butchered his two sons. Extremely valuable articles and the choicest treasures that had been preserved throughout centuries were plundered and shipped to London. They stole the precious stones, such as diamonds, emeralds and rubies, ornamenting the walls of the mausoleum called Taj-mahal, which the Indian Sultan Shah-i-Jihan had built in 1041 [C.E. 1631] over the grave of his wife Erjumend Beghum in Aghra, plastering their places on the walls with mud. Today these plasters shout out the British savagery to the whole world. And the British are still spending this stolen wealth for the annihilation of Islam. As is expressed by an Islamic poet, "If the cruel have oppression, the oppressed have Allah with them," the divine justice rose and they had their deserts in the Second World War. Fearing that the Germans might invade Britain, most of the wealthy British, clergymen, households of Statesmen and ministers, and tens of thousands of enemies of Islam boarded ships and were on their way to America, when the magnetic mines released from the two German warships of Graf von Spee and two similar ships caught and sank their ships. They all drowned in the Atlantic Ocean. After the war, upon a decision taken by the center of United Nations Human Rights in New York, they receded from their colonies all over the world. They lost most of their sources of income which the Ministry of the Commonwealth had been exploiting for centuries. They were confined to the island called Great Britain. food and consumer goods were rationed. I remember the Chief of Turkish General Staff, General Salih Omurtak, saying at a dinner party in 1948, "In London, an official guest as I was, I always left the meal table without being fully fed. In Italy, on my way back, I fed myself up by eating plenty of spaghetti." This I am quoting because I was seated opposite the general at the dinner table and I heard exactly what he said. His words are still echoing in my ears.
Thenaullah-i-Dahlawi 'rahmatullahi alaih' makes the following observation in his explanation of the eighty-second ayat al-karima of Sura-i-Maida: "Muhy-is-sunnat Husain Baghawi stated that not all Christians are polytheistic. For polytheism means to deify something, i.e. to worship it. Polytheists, like Jews, bear bitter enmity towards Muslims. They kill Muslims, devastating their homelands and demolishing their mosques. They burn copies of Qur'an al-karim." Imam-i-Rabbani 'rahmatullahi alaih' states in the third letter of the third volume (of his Maktubat), "A person who worships any being other than Allahu ta'ala is called a polytheist. A person who has not adapted himself to a Prophet's Shariat is a polytheist." Christians all over the world today deny Muhammad 'alaihis-salam' and are therefore disbelievers. Most of them are polytheistic because they say that Isa 'alaihis-salam' is a god, or that he is one of the three gods. Some of them, who profess that "Jesus is a born slave and a prophet of God", are Ahl-i-kitab (people of the book). All these people maintain an inimical attitude towards Islam and Muslims. Their attacks were administered by the British. We have been informed in 1412 [1992 A.D.] that the Christians recently concocted ten questions and distributed them in Muslim countries. Islamic savants in Bangladesh by preparing answers to these questions disgraced the Christian priests. Hakikat Bookstore in Istanbul, distributes these answers throughout the world under the title of Al-Ekazib-ul-Jadidi-tul-Hristiyaniyye.
(74) The British were successful in these endeavors of theirs. They brought their masonic disciples, such as Mustafa Rashid Pasha, Ali Pasha, Fuad Pasha, and Tal'at Pasha, and degenerate people of Armenian or Jewish origin into power. And other masonic men of religion, such as Abdullah Jawdat, Musa Kazim, and Abduh, were made religious authorities.
(75) Persons, statues, (or icons) worshipped, offered prostrations to, and looked on as the only authority to provide one's wishes is called an 'idol'. Muslims do not offer their prostrations to Kaba. Turning towards Kaba, they offer their prostrations to Allahu ta'ala. In each prayer of namaz, after performing their prostration towards Kaba, they recite the Fatiha sura. It is purported in this sura, "O Thou, the Unique [only one] Rabb of alams (universe)! Thee, alone, do we worship. From Thee, alone, do we ask for everything."
(76) It would be a very grave slander to assert that there are additions and excisions in the hadith-i- Sharifs in the well-known and authentic books (of hadith). A person who has learned how thousands of hadith scholars compiled hadith ash-Sharifs could never tell such an abominable lie, nor would he believe lies of this sort.